Labels:book | bulletin board | chat room | crt screen | monitor | poster | reckoner | sky | window | windowpane OCR: Aristotle System Requirements Note A3.5-inc dist drive is file senver initially but is not required load the Aristotle needed after that software onto the Appleshare ........... .------------ To use the menu An Apple IIGS computer An enhanced Apple IIe program of Aristotle, you will witha a monitor and an Apple computer with an AppleMouse need one of fthe following IIGS Memor Expansion Card le an Apple II Workstation systems: that has one megabyte of Card, and an Apple Ile Memor memory and LocalTalk Expansion (256K mini- Locking Connector Ki mum) and LocalTalk Locking Connector Ki To use the menu pro An enhanced Apple lle with in Apple IIGS with toalof gram Aristotle, you vil need 128K memory an Apple l1e 768K of memory (256K on the one of the following monitor an Apple II mocherboard and ...